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Event Calendar :
January 5, 2013
Noon – 4:00 PM
Wine Showcase Day: “Celebrate Chardonnay”
Location: Participating wineries on the Madera Wine Trail
City: Madera, CA
Participating wineries on the Madera Wine Trail host several Wine Showcase Days throughout the year, featuring a special varietal for the day to offer for tasting and education. Come taste and learn what makes our unique & award-winning wines so delicious. Use your Passport or purchase a ticket for the next Wine Showcase Day! Click here for more details and event dates.
Phone: 800-613-0709
Website: www.MaderaWineTrail.com
12 PM – 4:30 PM |
Quady Winery at
Forks & Corks 2013
City: Sarasota, FL
Location: Ringling Museum of Art
Phone: (941) 955-3663
Website: www.freshoriginals.com |